Media card 2025

Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics LOGY is Finland's largest network of logistics and procurement professionals. The association publishes the Osto&Logistiikka media. The Osto&Logistiikka magazine is the most comprehensive logistics trade journal in Finland. It has 22,000 regular readers and approximately 80% of them are decision-makers.

  • news site and a weekly newsletter covers the most interesting sourcing and logistics news of the day.
  • Osto&Logistiikka magazine is published six times a year. The circulation of the magazine is approx. 6,000 copies (additional editions distributed at events vary).

Osto&Logistiikka magazine - Schedules for 2025

1/2025 13.01. 15.01. 31.1. Innovations
2/2025 17.03. 19.03. 4.4.
3/2025 26.05. 28.05. 13.6.
4/2025 25.08. 27.08. 12.9.
Logistics & SCM
5/2025 13.10. 15.10. 31.10.
Internal logistics
6/2025 22.11. 26.11. 12.12.

Online stores
Includes a LOGY calender 2026



As a printable PDF file (versions 3.0 to 5.0) that contains the necessary images and fonts. Color space CMYK (process). The magazine is printed with the ISO Coated profile. resolution: 300 dpi colors: CMYK cutting tools: 5 mm 


An advertorial is a statement written and designed in the form of a newspaper article. The advertorial will have a clearly distinguishable edge mark “ADVERTORIAL”. 

Online Banners

  • Hero banner (940x240 px)
  • Large side banner (295x240 px)
  • Newsletter banner

Further information

Please contact Mr. Mika Säilä, toimitus(at), tel. +358 50 352 3277